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1. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No entering the intersection

B. No right turn

C. No changing lane

D. No U turn

Answer: B

2. When a motor vehicle moves through water, the driver should try to maintain a constant speed and sufficient power and pass through without stopping.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

3. When seeing this sign, the driver should reduce speed and observe the road conditions.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

4. What should be checked before driving?

A. No parts need to be checked

B. Whether the tires have been cleaned

C. Where the spare tire is placed

D. The fastening and air pressure of tires

Answer: D

5. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Road narrows on the left side

B. Narrow bridge

C. Narrow road

D. Road narrows on the right side

Answer: B

6. What should the driver do if he/she encounters pedestrians in this situation at an intersection?

A. Slow down promptly and stop to yield

B. Sound the horn to warn the pedestrians to yield

C. Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrians

D. Turn on the headlamps to warn the pedestrians to yield

Answer: A

7. Whats the meaning of the double white solid lines in far front of the intersection?

A. Stopping and yield line

B. Slowdown and yield line

C. Left-turn waiting line

D. Waiting to run line

Answer: A

8. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. A manned level crossing

B. Multi-crossing of railway and road

C. Grade separation level crossing

D. An unmanned level crossing

Answer: A

9. Under such circumstances, motor vehicle drivers should stop and yield

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

10. A correct measure to avoid tire burst of motor vehicles is to lower the tire pressure.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

11. It is not a bad habit for a driver to frequently change lanes.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

12. Gun powder, explosives and detonating powder belong to which of the following dangerous chemicals?

A. Oxidizing materials

B. Inflammable solid materials

C. Explosives

D. Self-igniting articles

Answer: C

13. Why is it dangerous to overtake on a snowy mud road in heavy snow?

A. Snow can increase tire adhesion

B. The flying mud made the sight bad.

C. Long braking distance in case of emergency

D. Pavement under snow and mud is easier to skid.

Answer: BCD

14. Which measures is correct when a motor vehicle intends to overtake

A. Use the high and low beam lights alternately to indicate the intention

B. Honk to indicate the vehicle

C. Speed up and overtake on the right side

D. Turn on the left-turn signal in advance

Answer: ABD

15. When there is bleeding at the bone fracture of a wounded person, the first thing to do is to fix the wounded part in position, then stop the bleeding and dress the wound.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

16. During normal driving, the driver should do his/her best to run close to or on the central line so as not to allow oncoming vehicles any opportunity to occupy his own route.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

17. Where should we choose to park?

A. Parking spaces on roads

B. Construction section

C. Crosswalk

D. Parking lot

Answer: AD

18. What should be done by the driver who intends to overtake but the motor vehicle in front neither reduces its speed nor allows the right of way?

A. Continuously sounding the horn and accelerating to overtake

B. Accelerating and continuing to overtake

C. Refraining from overtaking

D. Following the vehicle in front closely and finding a chance to overtake

Answer: C

19. Where can not park?

A. Parking lot

B. Parking spaces on roads

C. Landslide and debris flow in Mountainous Areas

D. Crosswalk

Answer: CD

20. When removing a wounded person suffering spinal fracture, the rescuer should never help the wounded person to walk. He may be carried away with a soft stretcher.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

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