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1. When rescuing the injured, it is necessary to ________.

A. Save life first and treat the wounds later

B. Treat the wounds first and safe life later

C. Help the slightly wounded persons first

D. Help the seriously wounded persons later

Answer: A

2. What needs attention when a motor vehicle drives on a road covered with ice and snow?

A. Braking length is extended

B. Anti-skating resistance will be greater

C. The adhesive force of the road will be greater

D. The braking length will be shorter

Answer: A

3. When a motorcycle turns at an excessively high speed, it can easily dash out of a curve or skid sideways.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

4. Rescue personnel should check the breath of the unconscious person before applying any other emergency treatment.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

5. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Y-shaped intersection

B. T-shaped intersection

C. Intersection

D. Ring intersection

Answer: B

6. When driving, besides paying attention to keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front, drivers should also be prudent when braking so as to avoid a rear-end collision caused by a vehicle behind.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

7. How to do in this intersection?

A. Wait in the cross-hatched marking area

B. stop and wait outside the intersection

C. Follow the vehicle in front and pass

D. Wait inside the intersection

Answer: B

8. When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, what should the driver do due to the low visibility in such weather?

A. Turn on the headlamp and drive slowly

B. Turn on the fog lamp and drive slowl

C. Park in a safe place

D. Drive slowly close to the roadside

Answer: C

9. After setting off from a roadside, motor vehicle drivers should watch both sides of the road, turn left and drive into the normal lane slowly.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

10. What are the hazards of drivers using cellphones or texting while driving?

A. Influencing driving operation

B. Influencing the rest of passengers

C. Failure to respond to emergencies

D. Distracted driving

Answer: ACD

11. When a tire blowout on the road, the driver should swiftly depress the brake pedal to reduce speed, do all his can to control the steering wheel and stop the vehicle as soon as possible.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

12. When a wounded person suffering burns is thirsty, he should only drink plain boiled water.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

13. Whats the meaning of this mark on the road?

A. The lane for non-motorized vehicles

B. The special lane for motorcycles

C. The special lane for battery bicycles

D. the special lane for bicycles

Answer: A

14. Whats the meaning of the double white solid lines in far front of the intersection?

A. Stopping and yield line

B. Slowdown and yield line

C. Left-turn waiting line

D. Waiting to run line

Answer: A

15. What should be done by the driver who intends to overtake but the motor vehicle in front neither reduces its speed nor allows the right of way?

A. Continuously sounding the horn and accelerating to overtake

B. Accelerating and continuing to overtake

C. Refraining from overtaking

D. Following the vehicle in front closely and finding a chance to overtake

Answer: C

16. When removing a wounded person suffering spinal fracture, the rescuer should never help the wounded person to walk. He may be carried away with a soft stretcher.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

17. Where can not park?

A. Parking lot

B. Parking spaces on roads

C. Landslide and debris flow in Mountainous Areas

D. Crosswalk

Answer: CD

18. When passing another vehicle on a foggy day, what should drivers do?

A. Slow down and pass slowly

B. Maintain a safety distance

C. Properly use lamps

D. Drive at a high speed

Answer: ABC

19. When running in a high speed, if only use the front brake, the driver can be easily thrown out due to the inertia.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

20. Which will affect the stopping distance?

A. Pavement conditions

B. Driver’s reaction time

C. The quantity of cargo and the structure of brake, etc.

D. The vehicle speed

Answer: ABCD

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