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1. It is unsafe to ride a motorcycle by high-heel shoes.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

2. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Muddy road

B. Low-lying road

C. Overflowing road

D. Ferry

Answer: C

3. When following other vehicles on the uphill section of a mountain road, what should the driver do if the vehicle in front stops?

A. Overtake from either side of the front vehicle

B. Stop close to the vehicle in front

C. Stop with a larger space from the vehicle in front

D. Sound the horn continuously to warn the other driver

Answer: C

4. When rescuing a wounded person in coma, it is necessary to take warm-keeping measures to prevent heat loss.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

5. When a tire blowout on the road, the driver should control the direction of the vehicle and use emergency braking to bring the vehicle swiftly to a stop.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

6. When following a vehicle on the road, the distance from the vehicle in front is not important. As long as the driver goes forward at the same speed as the vehicle in front does, he/she can avoid a rear-end collision.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

7. Under such circumstance at an intersection. motor vehicle drivers should be prepared to stop and yieldat any time.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

8. Motor vehicle drivers may make a U-turn in this area as long as it will not affect the passing of pedestrians.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

9. What are the main reasons why driving a motor vehicle should not overtake on rainy days?

A. It is not easy for drivers around to see the overtaking signal.

B. Can not accurately judge the distance of vehicles around

C. Road is wet and slippery, and vehicles are prone to sideslip

D. The driver can not detect dangerous in time

Answer: ABCD

10. What needs attention when a motor vehicle drives on a road covered with ice and snow?

A. Braking length is extended

B. Anti-skating resistance will be greater

C. The adhesive force of the road will be greater

D. The braking length will be shorter

Answer: A

11. Which of the following acts are prohibited when passing through a tunnel?

A. Overtaking

B. Stopping

C. Making a U-turn

D. Reversing

Answer: ABCD

12. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No U turn

B. No changing to left lane

C. No turning left

D. No entering the left lane

Answer: C

13. What are the driving behaviors that cause accidents when a motor vehicle turns to a turning road?

A. Vehicles occupy opposite lanes

B. Turn the steering wheel sharply in the bend

C. Do not slow down before turning

D. Motor vehicles drive on the right side of the road

Answer: ABC

14. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Slippery section

B. Sharp curve

C. Inverse curve

D. Continuous curves

Answer: D

15. How should a motor vehicle follow the other vehicle In front when driving on a road covered with ice and snow?

A. Keep a long safe distance

B. Turn on hazard lamp

C. Change between high-and-low beam alternatively

D. Sound the horn in due time to give a notice to the vehicle in front

Answer: A

16. Dangerous chemicals possess the characteristics of explosion, inflammation, poison, erosion and radiation.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

17. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Slippery section

B. Sharp curve

C. Inverse curve

D. Continuous curves

Answer: C

18. When there is no bandage for rescuing a wounded person, which of the following measures is wrong?

A. Dress the wounds with a handkerchief

B. Dress the wounds with a towe

C. Dress the wounds with cotton clothes

D. Dress the wounds with string

Answer: D

19. Motor vehicle drivers don’t need to use any lamp at night when passing through a road section where the street light condition is good.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

20. How should the driver pass this place safely?

A. Speed up and pass in the front of the pedestrians

B. Bypass behind the pedestrians

C. Slow down and sound the horn

D. Stop and wait until the pedestrians pass

Answer: D

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