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1. When a wounded person suffering bone fracture in the thigh, shank and spine, it is necessary to keep the fracture in position and refrain to move the wounded person.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

2. When encountering such pedestrians, what should motor vehicle drivers do?

A. Bypass in front of the pedestrians

B. Bypass from behind the pedestrians

C. Sound the horn to alert the pedestrians

D. Voluntarily stop and yield

Answer: D

3. When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, what should the driver do due to the low visibility in such weather?

A. Turn on the headlamp and drive slowly

B. Turn on the fog lamp and drive slowl

C. Park in a safe place

D. Drive slowly close to the roadside

Answer: C

4. What needs attention when a motor vehicle drives on a road covered with ice and snow?

A. Braking length is extended

B. Anti-skating resistance will be greater

C. The adhesive force of the road will be greater

D. The braking length will be shorter

Answer: A

5. Which of the following is an inflammable solid material?

A. Matches

B. Fireworks

C. Calcium carbide

D. Explosives

Answer: A

6. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Intersection

B. Ring intersection

C. T-shaped intersection

D. Y-shaped intersection

Answer: A

7. When the motor vehicle encounters a crosswalk in this situation, the driver may speed up and pass rapidly.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

8. When the engine suddenly stalls on the road, what should the driver do?

A. Stop the vehicle and overhaul it immediately

B. Immediately turn on the hazard lamps

C. Move the vehicle to a place where it will not obstruct the traffic flow

D. Set up a breakdown warning sign

Answer: BCD

9. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Embankment road

B. Steep uphill road

C. Continuous up slopes

D. Steep downhill road

Answer: D

10. What should the driver pay attention to when the motor vehicle passes a residential area?

A. Observe the traffic signs and markings

B. Pass slowly

C. Prohibited from sounding the horn

D. Avoidance of residents

Answer: ABCD

11. When driving, besides paying attention to keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front, drivers should also be prudent when braking so as to avoid a rear-end collision caused by a vehicle behind.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

12. What are the driving behaviors that cause accidents when a motor vehicle turns to a turning road?

A. Vehicles occupy opposite lanes

B. Turn the steering wheel sharply in the bend

C. Do not slow down before turning

D. Motor vehicles drive on the right side of the road

Answer: ABC

13. The motor vehicle should speed up and pass rapidly under this situation.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

14. How should a motor vehicle follow the other vehicle In front when driving on a road covered with ice and snow?

A. Keep a long safe distance

B. Turn on hazard lamp

C. Change between high-and-low beam alternatively

D. Sound the horn in due time to give a notice to the vehicle in front

Answer: A

15. It is not a bad habit for a driver to frequently change lanes.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

16. Speeding up to go though the intersection before the light turns to red in this case.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

17. How should the driver pass this place safely?

A. Speed up and pass in the front of the pedestrians

B. Bypass behind the pedestrians

C. Slow down and sound the horn

D. Stop and wait until the pedestrians pass

Answer: D

18. Which lamp should be used when motor vehicles pass hrough an intersection at night where there is no traffic light signal?

A. High-beam

B. Low-beam

C. Hazard lamps

D. High-beam and low-beam should be used alternatively

Answer: D

19. When encountering this situation in a residential area, the driver may honk to urge them to yield.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

20. Where should we choose to park?

A. Parking spaces on roads

B. Construction section

C. Crosswalk

D. Parking lot

Answer: AD

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