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1. When a motor vehicle passes over an overflowing bridge, what should the driver do after stopping and observing closely?

A. Change to a high gear and pass rapidly

B. Constantly observe the changes of the flow

C. Prepare to stop at any time

D. Change to a low gear and pass through at a constant speed

Answer: D

2. When rescuers enter the scene to rescue the wounded after harmful gas leakage caused by traffic accidents, they must wear air respirators or cover their mouth and nose with wet towels.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

3. Gun powder, explosives and detonating powder belong to which of the following dangerous chemicals?

A. Oxidizing materials

B. Inflammable solid materials

C. Explosives

D. Self-igniting articles

Answer: C

4. When rescuing a wounded person in an emergency, it is necessary to firstly stop the bleeding by compression before other methods are taken according to the conditions of bleeding.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

5. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Reduce speed and go slowly

B. Watch for danger

C. Jammed section

D. Accident-prone section

Answer: B

6. When carrying the wounded persons in coma or in danger of suffocation, they should lie face up.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

7. Driving a motor vehicle in the downhill section of a mountain road avoids overtaking as much as possible because _______.

A. Vehicle resistance in downhill section is very high

B. Vehicles on downhill sections are more difficult to control than on flat roads due to gravity.

C. In downhill section, the front speed is faster and it is difficult to overtake.

D. Vehicles on downhill sections tend to be too fast due to gravity

Answer: BD

8. What should the driver do when he/she sees this sign on the road?

A. Use emergency braking

B. Slow down and take a look

C. Sound the horn intermittently

D. Prepare to bypass

Answer: B

9. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No entering the intersection

B. No right turn

C. No changing lane

D. No U turn

Answer: B

10. When encountering non-motorized vehicles cutting in on the road, the driver should ________.

A. Honk to warn

B. Speed up and bypass from the front

C. Voluntarily reduce speed and yield

D. Suddenly speed up when approaching

Answer: C

11. Which of the following measures is incorrect when a motor vehicle stops?

A. Stop at a stipulated place

B. Avoid stopping on pedestrian streets

C. Avoid obstructing the passing of other motor vehicles and pedestrians when temporarily stops on the road

D. Stop on the non-motor vehicle lane

Answer: D

12. What is the purpose of checking before driving?

A. Confirm whether the tyres of motor vehicles are damaged or not

B. Confirm whether there is a safety hazard near the vehicle.

C. Confirm whether there are obstacles around the vehicle

D. Confirm whether the road in front of the vehicle is safe

Answer: ABCD

13. What marking is the road mark?

A. Crosswalk ahead

B. Intersection ahead

C. Reduce speed and yield ahead

D. Stop to yield ahead

Answer: A

14. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Slippery section

B. Sharp curve

C. Inverse curve

D. Continuous curves

Answer: D

15. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Crosswalk

B. Students’ passage

C. Watch for pedestrians

D. Children’s passage

Answer: A

16. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No going straight and no changing to left lane

B. No going straight and no left turn

C. Allowed to go straight and change to left lane

D. No going straight and no right turn

Answer: D

17. When a tire blowout on the road, the driver should control the direction of the vehicle and use emergency braking to bring the vehicle swiftly to a stop.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

18. When a wounded person suffering bone fracture in the thigh, shank and spine, it is necessary to keep the fracture in position and refrain to move the wounded person.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

19. What should driver do when students crossing the road in line?

A. Speed up and pass in the front of the students

B. Sound the horn to warn the students to yield

C. Slow down and pass

D. Stop and wait until the students pass

Answer: D

20. After setting off from the roadside, motor vehicle drivers should speed up as soon as possible and make a sharp left-turn in order to drive into the normal lane.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

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