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1. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Watch for pedestrians

B. Crosswalk

C. Village or town

D. Primary school

Answer: C

2. When driving in icy and snowy weather, because of the reduction of the stability, it is easy for the wheels to race or slip when rapidly speeding up.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

3. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No entering the intersection

B. No right turn

C. No changing lane

D. No U turn

Answer: B

4. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No left turn

B. Leftt and right turn

C. No leftt and right turn

D. No right turn

Answer: B

5. When rescuing a person sustaining full-body burns the rescue personnel may spray cool water to his body to put out the fire.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

6. When rescuing a wounded person in an emergency, it is necessary to firstly stop the bleeding by compression before other methods are taken according to the conditions of bleeding.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

7. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Sharp right curve

B. Bypass from right side

C. Continuous curves

D. Sharp left curve

Answer: A

8. When two vehicles approach each other on a foggy day, what is the best method of safe driving?

A. Turn on the high-beam

B. Slowdown and maintain a large safety distance

C. Turn on the low-beam

D. Turn on the fog lamp

Answer: B

9. What are the hazards of drivers using cellphones or texting while driving?

A. Influencing driving operation

B. Influencing the rest of passengers

C. Failure to respond to emergencies

D. Distracted driving

Answer: ACD

10. Serious wave will appear when the front tire blows out; the driver should release the accelerator, firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands, quickly gradually break down, and stop to yield.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

11. Under such circumstances, motor vehicle drivers should stop and yield

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

12. When encountering dangerous and complicated circumstance, the driver should keep medium or low speed and keep the balance of the motorcycle to pass it cautiously.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

13. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Crosswalk lights

B. Watch for pedestrians

C. Attention to traffic lights

D. Intersection

Answer: C

14. When a vehicle encounters a strong side wind in a mountain valley, the driver should drastically turn the steering handlebar to adjust the direction of the vehicle if he feels the vehicle deviates from the normal direction.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

15. When there is bleeding at the bone fracture of a wounded person, the first thing to do is to keep it in position before stopping the bleeding and dress the wound.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

16. When a tire blowout on the road, the driver should swiftly depress the brake pedal to reduce speed and stop the vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

17. When the wounded person is suffering main artery bleeding, where should the rescue personnel press by thumb to stop the bleeding?

A. The artery near the heart

B. The artery lower to the wound

C. The artery further from the heart

D. The artery in the center of the wound

Answer: A

18. When an erosive material catches fire, it should not be put out with water cannon.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

19. How to drive a car safely when the sight of rain, snow, fog is not clear or the road is slippery?

A. Increase the horizontal distance

B. Reduce speed and run

C. Speed up and run

D. Stop to yield when necessary

Answer: ABD

20. When driving a motor vehicle ready to enter a congested roundabout, the wrong measure is to ______.

A. Honk to indicate another vehicle to yield

B. Stop to yield

C. Driving into the congested intersection

D. Drive fast into the intersection

Answer: ACD

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