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1. When the driver discovers that steering is stiff, the wrong measure is to ___________.

A. Reduce speed and stop the vehicle as fast as possible

B. Stop at a safe place

C. Continue to drive

D. Identify the cause

Answer: C

2. When rescuing a wounded person who has been poisoned by toxic gas, the first measure is to send him to a place where air is fresh so that he will not continue to be poisoned.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

3. How to ensure safe driving at night?

A. Drive at speed limit

B. Cut speed and drive carefully

C. Maintain the current speed

D. Drive above the speed limit

Answer: B

4. At a road that has more than two vehicle lanes in the same direction, the motorcycles should use the very left one.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

5. When a wounded person is under the wheel or cargo, the wrong method is to pull the limbs of the wounded.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

6. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No right turn

B. No U turn

C. No going straight

D. No left turn

Answer: C

7. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Road narrows on the left side

B. Narrow bridge

C. Narrow road

D. Road narrows on the right side

Answer: B

8. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No honking the tweeter

B. No honking the woofer

C. Should honk

D. No honking

Answer: C

9. Keep enough safe distance When a motor vehicle follows another vehicle, because ______.

A. Avoke a rear-end collision

B. The closer you get to the vehicle, the less easy it is to grasp the situation ahead of the vehicle.

C. Enough distance to avoid emergencies

D. Prevent being unable to detect the front vehicle brake in time due to the damage rear lamp of the front vehicle

Answer: ABCD

10. Whats the meaning of this mark on the road?

A. The lane for non-motorized vehicles

B. The special lane for motorcycles

C. The special lane for battery bicycles

D. the special lane for bicycles

Answer: A

11. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No changing lane

B. No left turn

C. No going straight

D. No U turn

Answer: D

12. What kind of harmful effect will be brought about by continuously using the foot brake on a long downhill road?

A. Shorten the engine’s service life

B. Make the driver feel tired

C. Easily cause the vehicle to overturn

D. Reduce the braking efficiency

Answer: D

13. When rescuing a wounded person in coma, it is necessary to take warm-keeping measures to prevent heat loss.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

14. When a tire blowout on the road, the driver should swiftly depress the brake pedal to reduce speed, do all his can to control the steering wheel and stop the vehicle as soon as possible.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

15. When encountering pedestrians slowly cross the road in a residential area, the driver should sound the horn continuously.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

16. When there is bleeding at the bone fracture of a wounded person, the first thing to do is to fix the wounded part in position, then stop the bleeding and dress the wound.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

17. If a driver finds there is no vehicle behind, he/she may change lanes without turning on the indicator.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

18. When the vehicles cross each other at night, what should the driver do if the vehicle coming in the opposite direction always use the high beam light.

A. Continuous change lights and honk to remind the vehicle coming in the opposite direction

B. Turn on the high beam light

C. Reduce speed or driving on the right side.

D. Move his sight to the right side to evade the light

Answer: CD

19. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Watch for pedestrians

B. Crosswalk

C. Village or town

D. Primary school

Answer: C

20. When driving, the driver should yield to _______.

A. Ambulance

B. Fire engine

C. School bus

D. Police car

Answer: ABCD

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