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1. What is the purpose of checking before driving?

A. Confirm whether the tyres of motor vehicles are damaged or not

B. Confirm whether there is a safety hazard near the vehicle.

C. Confirm whether there are obstacles around the vehicle

D. Confirm whether the road in front of the vehicle is safe

Answer: ABCD

2. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Overtaking ban is lifted

B. Changing lane is allowed

C. Changing lane ban is lifted

D. Borrowing lane ban is lifted

Answer: A

3. When using splints, sticks or tree branches to keep the unexposed bones in position, it is necessary that these things should exceed the upper and lower joints of the wound.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

4. When carrying the wounded persons in coma or in danger of suffocation, they should lie face up.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

5. How should lamps be used when a motor vehicle meets an oncoming bicycle on a narrow road or a narrow bridge at night?

A. Continuously change between low-beam and high-beam

B. Use clearance lamp

C. Use high-beam

D. Use low-beam

Answer: D

6. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Straight-going lane

B. Going straight only

C. One-way road

D. No going straight

Answer: B

7. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Bypass from left side

B. Continuous curves

C. Sharp left curve

D. Sharp right curve

Answer: C

8. When driving in thick or extremely thick fog, what should the driver do due to the low visibility in such weather?

A. Turn on the headlamp and drive slowly

B. Turn on the fog lamp and drive slowl

C. Park in a safe place

D. Drive slowly close to the roadside

Answer: C

9. What should the driver do to follow other motor vehicles on a mountain road?

A. Closely follow the vehicle in front

B. Increase the safety distance

C. Reduce the vertical distance between vehicles

D. Try to overtake the vehicle in front as soon as possible

Answer: B

10. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Intersection

B. Ring intersection

C. T-shaped intersection

D. Y-shaped intersection

Answer: A

11. How to ensure motor vehicles have sufficient power when driving uphill?

A. Downshift before reducing speed

B. Downshift after reducing speed

C. Downshift when the speed is excessively low

D. Downshift to the fullest extent

Answer: A

12. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Turn left

B. No going straight

C. Straight-going lane

D. One-way road

Answer: A

13. How to follow a motor vehicle safely on the road?

A. Observe the front vehicle conditions

B. Drive on the left side of the road as far as possible

C. Be ready to slow down at any time

D. Keep a safe distance

Answer: ACD

14. When driving on a foggy day, the driver should turn on the fog lamp.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

15. How to make a U turn in this intersection?

A. broken lines of the central line

B. Make a U turn from the right lane

C. Enter the intersection and make a U turn

D. Make a U turn in the crosswalk

Answer: A

16. When driving in a heavy rain, drivers should contro their speed to prevent their vehicles from sliding.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

17. For a temporary stop on a foggy day, the driver should only turn on the fog lamp and the low-beam

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

18. The wrong method to rescue a poisoned person in a traffic accident is to ______.

A. Bring him to a place where air is fresh

B. Take off clothes that are exposed to toxic air

C. Clean exposed areas with clean water

D. Stay in the original place and wait for the rescue personnel

Answer: D

19. Driving a motor vehicle in the downhill section of a mountain road avoids overtaking as much as possible because _______.

A. Vehicle resistance in downhill section is very high

B. Vehicles on downhill sections are more difficult to control than on flat roads due to gravity.

C. In downhill section, the front speed is faster and it is difficult to overtake.

D. Vehicles on downhill sections tend to be too fast due to gravity

Answer: BD

20. When an erosive material catches fire, it should not be put out with water cannon.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

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