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1. Under such circumstance at an intersection. motor vehicle drivers should be prepared to stop and yieldat any time.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

2. It is not a bad habit for a driver to frequently change lanes.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

3. When driving on a road covered with ice and snow drivers should not use the emergency brake but can apply a sharp turn.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

4. How to do in this situation?

A. Stop and yield to the pedestrians

B. Bypass from the front of the pedestrians

C. Honk to remind the pedestrians

D. Bypass from the rear of the pedestrians

Answer: A

5. Which of the following is a bad habit when changing lanes?

A. Turning on the indicator in advance

B. Observing closely before changing a lane

C. Change lanes at will

D. Not obstructing the passing of other normally moving vehicles

Answer: C

6. A motorcycle is not permitted to tow other vehicles or to be towed by other vehicles.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

7. What should motor vehicle drivers do when approaching an oncoming vehicle on a frozen road?

A. Cut speed as approaching each other

B. Pass each other by speeding up properly

C. Pass each other slowly by cutting speed in advance

D. Pass each other along the central line to the best

Answer: C

8. How should the driver pass this place safely?

A. Speed up and pass in the front of the pedestrians

B. Bypass behind the pedestrians

C. Slow down and sound the horn

D. Stop and wait until the pedestrians pass

Answer: D

9. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Muddy road

B. Low-lying road

C. Overflowing road

D. Ferry

Answer: C

10. The main impact of muddy roads on safe driving is that the wheels may easily spin and skid

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

11. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Bypass from left side

B. Continuous curves

C. Sharp left curve

D. Sharp right curve

Answer: C

12. Violent wind can cause a sideways swerve to a running vehicle.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

13. May speed up to go through the crosswalk when no one is near it

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

14. It is illegal to change lanes without turning on indicators.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

15. When passing an intersection, vehicle motor drivers are not allowed to overtake.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

16. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Reducing speed 40m ahead

B. Minimum speed is 40km/hr

C. Axle weight limit is 40 tons

D. Maximum speed limit is 40km/hr

Answer: D

17. When rescuing a wounded person who has been poisoned by toxic gas, the first measure is to send him to a place where air is fresh so that he will not continue to be poisoned.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

18. When driving, besides paying attention to keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front, drivers should also be prudent when braking so as to avoid a rear-end collision caused by a vehicle behind.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

19. How will the adhesive force of road change when speed increases on a damp and slippery road?

A. Increase sharply

B. Increase gradually

C. Decrease sharply

D. No change

Answer: C

20. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No entering the intersection

B. No right turn

C. No changing lane

D. No U turn

Answer: B

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