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1. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. No honking the tweeter

B. No honking the woofer

C. Should honk

D. No honking

Answer: C

2. It is an illegal act for the driver to make calls while driving.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

3. When driving in icy and snowy weather, ________.

A. The tires can easily spin

B. The braking distance becomes longer

C. The tires can easily drift

D. Vehicle handling becomes more difficult

Answer: ABCD

4. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Going straight and left turn

B. Going straight and right turn

C. No going straight and no right turn

D. Left turn and right turn only

Answer: B

5. What influence does smoking have upon driving?

A. Harmful for safe driving

B. Increase concentration

C. Help relaxation

D. No effect on driving

Answer: A

6. When a vehicle approaches an intersection without crosswalk, the driver should _______ if he finds people are crossing the street.

A. Reduce speed or stop to yield

B. Honk to indicate them to yield

C. Pass before the pedestrians

D. Immediately change lane and bypass the pedestrians

Answer: A

7. Whats the meaning of this mark on the road?

A. The lane for non-motorized vehicles

B. The special lane for motorcycles

C. The special lane for battery bicycles

D. the special lane for bicycles

Answer: A

8. Speed up and pass when encountering this traffic light at the intersection

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

9. When following other vehicles on a foggy day, what should the driver do?

A. Maintain a large safety distance

B. Turn on the high-beam

C. Turn on the low-bea

D. Sound the horn in due time

Answer: A

10. When use the brake of a motorcycle, use the front-wheel brake first, then use the back-wheel brake.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

11. When driving a motor vehicle, the driver encounter pedestrians who are focused on using mobile phones, what should the driver do?

A. Drive with care

B. Observe the movement of pedestrians

C. Be ready to stop

D. Swiftly bypass from one side

Answer: ABC

12. According to regulations, motorcycle driver and passenger should wear helmets.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

13. At a road that has more than two vehicle lanes in the same direction, the motorcycles should use the very left one.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

14. When driving a motor vehicle near an intersection, the vehicle may speed up and honk to pass.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: B

15. Which of the following is an inflammable solid material?

A. Matches

B. Fireworks

C. Calcium carbide

D. Explosives

Answer: A

16. Which is correct when riding a motorcycle

A. Both hands can temporarily leave the steering handle bar

B. Voluntarily operate the steering handle bar

C. It is prohibited to simultaneously move two hands from the steering handle bar

D. It is able to statically turn the steering handle bar

Answer: C

17. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. Road narrows on both sides

B. Road narrows on the right side

C. Road narrows on the left side

D. Bridge narrows

Answer: C

18. When approaching another vehicle at night, why should the driver alternate between high-and-low-beam at a distance more than 150 meters?

A. Warn each other before passing

B. Driving habit

C. Easy to observe the situation ahead from either side

D. Courtesy

Answer: C

19. What is the meaning of this sign?

A. School area

B. Watch for children

C. Crosswalk

D. Watch for pedestrians

Answer: B

20. When a fast-running vehicle makes a sharp turn, it can very easily cause side collision or an overturn due to the centrifugal force.

A. Right

B. Wrong

Answer: A

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